Thursday, December 22, 2016

The true spirit of Christmas

Lending a helping hand

During this most festive season of Christmas, not only is the ever present love of our Lord in our lives, but we also have the great privilege of spreading the gift of love to others.
What good news of our Savior!!! What a love that knows no bounds!!! A love that has given us the true blessing of everlasting life. I adore this time of year.  Not only is there so much celebration abound,  but we have the chance to look back on all the things  that we have gone through over the past year. God is great. He has promised to be with us through all of our struggles and in keeping our faith in him, there is so much joy and success! I know it is not easy. When our problems seem to consume us or become a lot more than we believe we can handle, it may seems like there is no way to see a light at the end of if. But that is a lie. That is a falsehood permeating your mind. Through God all is possible. When we live with His love in our lives we make a precious and beautiful decision. When I look back on how I have come through everything, I now it was God's love that has guided me and brought me through. And I know I am blessed with not only His amazing love, but the chance to share that with others and help them as well. I have the love that can change this world- we all do!! What great news!! No matter the idea, as long as it is good and in His name, it all will change this world for the better.
I was so upset two days ago to find out that a dear friend of mine was going through a tough struggle.  After a terrible fire, their family was left without a home and without any possessions. Thankfully God was with them and no one was home when this occurred. Of course I knew immediately it was an issue I wanted to help with. I knew I wanted to spread love and happiness to my dear friend in need at such a precious time of the year. I have prayed for his family and their kitty that unfortunately did not make the fire accident. Tonight I was blessed with sisters and friends to be able to come together and create gift packages for their family as part of our Waves group mission to help others in goodness whenever possible. Getting together like this to use what we have for others is such a blessing.

There's is always so much that can be done to help people all around you. Some may think that helping others is a worldly task, a job that can only be done with money or help or resources. But you'd be surprised. Opportunities to be blessings to others are all around you. In our communities, in our neighborhoods, perhaps even with our friends and other relatives. Stay positive, stay hopeful! Keep an open heart and an open mind!! Love others- no matter what. Love knows no bounds!!!

I pray for you all and am wishing you the greatest Christmas season!!!

With love

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Self Worth

1 Samuel 16:7 

But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, the Lord looks at the heart." 

Often times we forget that what God sees in us is worth much more than what anyone on this earth could ever think. For me this has been a struggle to accept and feel my whole life. I tend to look at the outside and feel so empty on the inside. For example my weight. I have suffered from weight issues and problems my whole life. I have been so skinny and suffered from anorexia, to the struggles of seeing myself gain weight again beyond a healthy perception. This has continued to be an ongoing problem. The worst is that people will judge- even if it is subconsciously. They do. I have even had comments about my weight said straight to my face, and that sends the worse sort of painful surge straight through my entire body. 

This evening I was walking down the festive, decorated streets of Manhattan when someone approached me and commented about my weight. He was preaching about being vegan and how we cannot abuse the lives of animals. He went to tell me that my life would be better if I did not eat meat and that I would be a lot slimmer. That even the coffee in my hand was making me fatter. I could not believe I was in this conversation being ambushed with question after question about my lifestyle and my options of self worth. I was shocked. I've been back and forth from the city my whole life and have never been more personally targeted. 

However I did not say anything negative about this guy or about being rude. I remembered that isn't me anymore and that God's opionion of me is more valuable than anything this man could ever say. I almost felt sorry for this guy too. But I did not forget God through this. I did not forget it is Jesus' season and that we need to remain happy and see the beauty in every situation before us. Yes, I was hurt for a few minutes after they left. Yes, I do struggle with weight and self perception. I did not even want to admit it or review my opionions. I didn't want to have to talk about it now like this. But I know God must have wanted me to relay this message. God wanted me to see myself for who I am and not what this world sees. Yes I'm sure most people look at me and don't see much beauty, but I still have to get better at realizing God's love for me is deeper than anyone else's. I can fix my perception and the number on the scale with His help. But I cannot, and will not, continue to live on thinking that what this world or other guys sees is of substantial value. 

My prayer for all of you is that you feel our Lord's love this wonderful Christmas season. That you know this is His season and that you feel the urge to bring joy and positive compliments to the world around you. This world in such desperate need of our greatest commandment to one another: love. 

Photo: Rockefeller Plaza NYC 

Monday, December 5, 2016

An encounter

Feeling God's presence 

Tonight at one of my Ministry classes, I was brought to tears. I felt the warm tears trickle down my face as I heard the preacher recount a story that related to my past almost exactly. 

As class began I honestly was not thinking it would be as moving and powerful as other classes I have attended. The teacher started with a story and  said a few things I told myself I had already heard before. Plus there was no relation to any scripture in most of the lesson so I was not sure what to take notes on. I always want to take in as much as possible and leans from other followers, but I truly thought I had heard it all before in my mind. 
I resolved to begin writing prayers in my journal while simply listening to the lesson rather than try to make notes that were not coming to me. 
As class progressed I looked up when I heard a vital question asked "How do you go to Father God?" This lead us to the imagery of how we see the Spirit. This was also something that has been  presented to me in the past but the approach here was unique. 
I was reminded and need to share with you that the way we see ourselves and the other people in our lives, directly affects how we see God. If our relationships with our parents, siblings, friends and elders, is closely related to how we see ourselves before God, then these relationships are very important. 
But God does not see us how we see us. He has a much greater image. 

I knew in this case I needed to examine the relationships I've had with my siblings and parents foremost. Because of my father leaving our family and us not knowing his whereabouts now, that was a sad image to resurrect, painful even, but I needed to face it. 
Without my dad around for years, it altered all our lives and how we coped with various issues. Forgiveness was the key to my story's happy ending as well as accepting that God sees me in a beautiful and unique image to the point of not needing acceptance from any other source. 
In our activation, I was moved to tears and felt God's warm embrace hold me together.  He is my Father and is loving enough to fill all voids. 

In prayer, 
Father God thank You. 
You are my strength, comfort and dearest joy. 
Because of You I know that I am loved and have a place by You. 
I truly can so all things through You. 
Thank you for calling me to shine for You  and to have Your blessing to do so. 
Thank you for the gift of Your love and grace. 
You are Most High!! 
Guide me and all those I love each day. 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

True holiday spirit

What the holiday season is truly about 

It's easy to get distracted during the holiday season. It's easy to think that everything is suppose to be sparkling and sweet and cheerful. 
The truth is life is still going on even during the holidays. Things can still be tough and we can still be dealing with difficult issues or problems. 
For me I know these last few weeks have been filled with tests- but each has made me stronger. And even though it's tough to get through some days, I realized I still have a duty to friends and family and more importantly to my Savior. 
I also love helping others and knew I needed to help myself first. 
I needed to remember that this season is for Jesus and all the hope and good news His birth brought to all us people. With Him, all things are possible and with prayer- there is strength. He will comfort us and speak to us in the sweet calm in which we wait after we eagerly turn to Him. This is my greatest hope and the one thing that makes this time of year such a heartwarming time. Because I realize the reality of His great love for us and the greatest gift we have ever received: Jesus. :) 
Luke 2: 10-11
[ I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people today in the town of David. A Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.] 
Keeping Christ in all our daily endeavors is powerful and leaves us knowing we are so uniquely loved. We are so cherished and nothing will change that in His eyes. In choosing Christ, you are automatically a child of the King. How wonderful!!! 
This reminds me that no matter what, He is with me and that is an amazing comfort. The greatest gift of all!! 
Since I have been struggling a bit financially as of late, I decided I didn't need to stress or worry about how I could bring cheer to the wonderful people in my life. I realized I have many talents and can instead make gifts or bake goods for people. 
I am happy that I will be making gifts for people and to continue to show others the love our Lord so willingly gave to us as a gift. 
I wish you all a great holiday season and I will keep you updated on my progress!! :) 


Monday, November 21, 2016

Release all fears

Have no fears

Pray about everything, worry about nothing. (Phillipians 4:6)

Have you ever worried about anything so much you no longer knew how to handle it? How to cope? Where to turn? I know I have.
When faced with struggles, arguments, mistreatment, misunderstanding, and my favorite, rejection, we tend to forget what matters and see no solution to our problems or end to our trials.

Today left me with mixed emotions. Today was busy. And when we use the excuse of "busy" we let frustration and agitation take hold and control our every move.
The worst is when someone may say something or do something hurtful.
With faith, we may not always be accepted or hear kind things said about us.

John 15:18-19.
"If the world hates you just remember that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, then the world would love you as its own. But I chose you from this world, and you do not belong to it; that is why the world hates you."

I struggle with unkind words each day. I am no stranger to fighting alone, but when faced with this we need to talk to Him. Prayer will guide us and send us to His comforting embrace.
Prayer has helped me through it all.
Sir. Listen. Ask Him for his words to you and hear his sweet words. Praise!
Open the Bible and ask Him to give you his word and really sit there.
This takes time. I know. It requires dedication and faith and devotion. But we can hear our God!
He loves us and WANTS us to know Him!

My prayer is for all of you out there struggling or unsure of where you are in your faith right now. Things will fall into place with God beside us. Within us.
May you find His peace today and always.

Photo: Big Pocono State Mountains

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Stepping out in Faith!

Taking a chance in Faith

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. (James 1:22)

Taking that first step into something new can be scary. I myself always get those urges to try something new, talk to someone I've never talked to before, or reach out to someone who may need help or may need to hear God's word. I pray that I may be a vessel of God's love to others, but that is always easier said than done. :/
Today I was nervous about approaching a member at church about a change I'd like to make. Often I have a hard time expressing what I feel or how I want to make an impact in life.
Yes I was so nervous, but I continually prayed:

 "Lord be still within me. Grant me the strength to do Your will and be patient in following through. Give me peace and let me not worry about how others will react. If this does not work, I will keep the faith that you still have a way to fulfill what is in my heart. You are the only one I need acceptance from."

I was surprised by my strength and my words. It all worked so well. There is much I still want to do to help our youth and to encourage people to be what they desire. But I need to step out of my norm as well. For that is where we finally see all that God has prepared for us!!!
Is there anything you wish to change or do better?

Photo: Bronx, NY

Saturday, November 19, 2016


Blessings friends !!!
1Corinthians 13: 4
Love is patient, Love is kind. It is not jealous, is not pompous, it is
Not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests
It is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury
It does not rejoice over wrong doings but rejoices with the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things, endures all things.
Love Never Fails.

1 Corinthians 13 is my favorite Bible verse.
I'd like to share that with you as I start this positive and encouraging blog.
This verse is not only about the love between relationships, but this is about God himself.
God is Love. God loves us all uniquely and is slow to anger.
I love how this verse gives us a great outline on how to model our relationships as well as a reminder of how beautiful God's love for us is.
Isn't it amazing?

Photo: Boston Common Garden