Friday, January 13, 2017

Love Endures All

1 Corinthians 13 

As many of you may already know, this is my all time favorite scripture. 
I often explain to others that this is not only a powerful piece of scripture on love and relationships, but it beautifully depicts how God is Love. 
God is everything explained in 1 Corinthians 13 and we are aware from the very beginning of the verse that we are nothing without love in our lives. Nothing. So no matter how bland our lives may seem,  you need to do it all in love. 
This verse also  creates a beautiful script by which to mirror all our relationships. In having  those in our lives that are patient and kind and slow to anger and who keep no records of wrongs, we are blessed with the greatest gift we could ever imagine. 
A friend once delved deeper into the phrase with me and she said "Change the word Love mentioned every time in the verse, to the name of a loved one or significant other. For example, Steph is patient, Steph is kind... and so on." 
From then on I was excited to do that not only to highlight the beauty in those treasured relationships, but I also remembered this when I was not so happy with the person... when people were not so loving, and happy and patient and kind. Truly this also seems to be the best time to use this: when they are not so perfect.  And honestly, this is still a constant cycle of progress and getting better at seeing others the way God sees them: with infinite potential. 
Yes, it may seem like there is far too much hate in this world. As if when you deal with certain people it is almost impossible to keep them in the image of patient and kind. I know. I see it everyday. Often times you end up on the receiving end of criticism and gossip. 
Lately I have seen even more hate and negativity than usual,  specifically on the realms of the internet which I most frequent. I had to stop and think just recently- how can people truly feel ok with posting this, or saying this, or portraying this image? Is it that they do not know? Or do not realize ? 
I find it that often times the first instinct to seeing a picture or comment or view that you disagree with is to quickly reply back the first negative comment that comes to your mind. I know the old me would have most likely done something similar. 
No. What does that do? That breeds even more hate and continues the dreadful cycle of keeping the internet and, frankly, the lives of others, in a depressed state. Retaliating is the enemy speaking through you and this shuts out your divine Father. Words do matter, whether spoken out loud or written, they need to be chosen carefully. 
The beautiful reality is that YOU get to choose the positive path each day. You choose what you say and how you react to the other factors in life which are out of your control. 
                                                      POSITIVITY IS POWERFUL 
Gathering the courage to stand up for yourself or defend a friend is certainly a tall order, but it is a powerful choice: one that will breed a positive air into the lives of all those around you verses a negative one. 
In this day and age there are so many voices hitting you from several different directions. Remember that it is God's sweet and welcoming voice that is all you need in order to carry out His wonderful plans for you and to do what's right. 
1 Corinthians 13 ends by confirming that love endures all. Love is above any feeling and has been promised to us for eternity. That is just awe-inspiring. It's a beautiful promise for all!!! Revel in it and think of others next time you think you want act in retaliation or anger. You WILL stand out for choosing love! 
Blessings to you all!!! 

Photo: POSITIVITY board trend on Instagram: @nicole..pastrana 

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